AKINCO represents Monoglass Incorporated in MENA Region for their products Monoglass & Sonoglass. Monoglass Spray-On is an engineered product specifically designed as a thermal and acoustic insulation material for a wide variety of applications within the construction industry.
AKINCO represents Monoglass Incorporated in MENA Region for their products Monoglass & Sonoglass. Monoglass Spray-On is an engineered product specifically designed as a thermal and acoustic insulation material for a wide variety of applications within the construction industry.
AKINCO represents Monoglass Incorporated in MENA Region for their products Monoglass & Sonoglass. Monoglass Spray-On is an engineered product specifically designed as a thermal and acoustic insulation material for a wide variety of applications within the construction industry.
AKINCO represents Monoglass Incorporated in MENA Region for their products Monoglass & Sonoglass. Monoglass Spray-On is an engineered product specifically designed as a thermal and acoustic insulation material for a wide variety of applications within the construction industry.
AKINCO represents Monoglass Incorporated in MENA Region for their products Monoglass & Sonoglass. Monoglass Spray-On is an engineered product specifically designed as a thermal and acoustic insulation material for a wide variety of applications within the construction industry.
Monoglass ® is suitable for use in multi-tenancy residences, airports, theaters, auditoriums, churches, schools, metal buildings, swimming pools, hospitals and office buildings. Monoglass ® Spray-On is applied by trained applicators using approved equipment, ensuring quality control and continuity. Since its development in 1979, Monoglass® Spray-On has become one of the leading spray-applied glass fiber insulations world wide, providing superior thermal/acoustic performance than previously available.
Monoglass Spray-On, made from a minimum of 25% recycled glass, is non-toxic, odorless, and naturally bright white for higher light-reflectance. Monoglass is a noncombustible product, eliminating the concerns and disadvantages of combustible cellular plastic, cellulose or foam insulations. Monoglass Spray-On complies with the California Dept. of Public Health CDHP Standard Method 1.1 requirement for low emitting materials for use in schools and offices
Monoglass® Spray-On allows for flexibility and freedom of design, providing options previously unavailable to the architect. Monoglass bonds easily to concrete, wood, steel, gypsum, rigid fiberglass and plastic insulations. The pneumatic application creates a monolithic, carpet-like texture which can be adapted to meet various surface finish requirements.
Monoglass® Spray-On is installed to a lower density than competitive products thereby reducing installed weight. As a result, high thermal values (R-20/R.S.I. 3.5 on horizontal surfaces, R-28/R.S.I. 4.9 on vertical surfaces) can be achieved without expensive mechanical support or multi-layer applications. Construction time and costs are reduced with economical, clean and fast installation.
Monoglass Spray-On combines inorganic glass fiber with low VOC polymer adhesives for a one-pass spray application to any surface configuration. The monolithic application becomes part of the building structure, producing a more effective system which resists heat passage, air leakage and moisture migration. Proven performance, longevity and competitive pricing makes Monoglass the choice of architects, builders and building owners.
AKINCO is the sole dislribumr OI Mauoglass Incorporaied ror their products Monoglass & Sonoglass ror MENA’region. SonoglrmQ is u fiberglass based. spray applied acouslicblilaaimenl designed lo provide superior acouslical values with a finished appearance. Sonogiass‘ will adhere in almost any surface configurciilonl Thls makes 1′ Ideal for applicmlons in curved and irregular shaped celllngs such a; hole faund in churches. gymnasium: and medals with only a min application cl Sonoglms‘. nnise reverberulion limes can be greatly reduced. improving audibility and comfort in a reasonable cost.